As a person who used to fall into a pit of fashion, I caught some tips after wasting money on some useless clothes countless.

Try some outfits sets

In my opinion,The principle is matching bottoms must can be find for any top you have in the wardrobe, and don’t waste money on hard-to-wear clothes!!!

So outfits sets became my first choice,It doesn’t require any color combinations or style choices, zero effort getting dressed in the morning, like Jennie below

Jennie’s Outfits sets
Jennie’s Outfits sets

I also like Brandy Melville which only have one size, but suit for most girls, pop up every summer.You don’t have to spend time and worry about matching outfits any longer.

Vivian Tops and Vivian Skirts of Brandy Melville
Vivian Tops and Vivian Skirts of Brandy Melville

Learn to imitate and follow

Imitating and following the outfit you admire is also a good way for fashion, it doesn’t have to be exactly the same, and decide what style you like first.

Go through your wardrobe and look for those you didn’t wear, and I find a idle dark blue ripped jeans.As Lisa’s denim suit below, I love this special look.

Lisa’s denim outfits set
Lisa’s Denim Outfits Set

Next step, I searched the Internet for similar dark blue long sleeve denim tops, and it’s just takes me a few mins to find it.

dark blue long sleeve denim tops
Dark Blue Long Sleeve Denim Tops

In the beginning, you can imitate other people’s fashion styles. Through the accumulation of practice,you’ll get inspiration for your own looks. You must try it.

Don’t forget accessories

One more tip for you, clothing might be the base of any woman’s outfit, but accessories are just as important when it comes to expressing an eye-popping style. You can try them on neck, arm, hand ankle, fingers, even nails.

Short necklaces become more popular in recent years. Chokers is a good choice, it can give your outfit an edgy look, creating an androgynous or even masculine style.

White choker outfits
White choker outfits
Chain choker outfits
Chain choker outfits
Double Choker Outfit
Double Choker Outfit

Remember every fashion detail including the nails

In addition to this, here is one KEY POINT that is often overlooked, fashion and delicacy are reflected in the details.

Your hand is the one you use most often when you’re doing normal behavior, Besides bracelet, I recommended false nails for everyone.

It’s just assimilate into my daily outfits. I can apply them in 10 mins, as easy as put on your clothes.

False Nails From SHEIN
False Nails From SHEIN

You can get it easily in AMAZON, Etsy, some brands or costomize your own design with a manicurist. You cant imagine it costs less than a manicure and can be reusable.

My suggestion is that use stickers instead of glue if you only need to use it for a while like several hours or few days, and choose glue for longer time.

You can find your love, whatever shape, length, pattern, color.Like below

Pink Milky Way Amlond False Nails
Pink Milky Way Amlond False Nails

More complex patterns.

Lucury Purple Long Ballerina False Nails
Lucury Purple Long Ballerina False Nails

More elaborate decoration

Diamond Gradual Bride Ballerina False Nails
Diamond Gradual Bride Ballerina False Nails

You can share with me if you have some helpful fashion tips too.

Thanks for reading.



Frances Fields

3-years press-on nails lover, for sharing my experience.